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Bannner Slider
Banner slider Magento 1.7.x to 1.9.x is best place to showcase your promotional informataion .this is the exact solution what you want and this is perfect marketing solution with over 35 banners sliders effects and moreover you can create your own custom style. Now you will not longer to worry about on the store site promotions and the Best thing that its totally Free.
Short-Code for temlate and cms page
Short-Code for template file
$this->getLayout()->createBlock(bannerslider/default)->setTemplate(bannerslider/bannerslide r.phtml)->setBannersliderId(your_bannerslider_id)->toHtml();
Short-Code for cms page
Please replace banner slider with bannerslider_id is your_bannerslider_id on a {{block type="bannerslider/default" name="bannerslider.bannerslider" template="bannerslider/bannerslider.phtml" bannerslider_id="your_bannerslider_id"}}
Up to 36 positions to put banner on site
In magento admin main menu banner slider option will gets appear. From here we can manage all the banners and its slider as shown below.
Firstly you add banner from main menu -> Banner Sliders ->Manage Banners.