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Create Multiple Topics for FAQs :
Magento 2 FAQ extension allows you to create multiple FAQ categories to cover certain areas and concepts of your products and services on a wider spectrum.By entering different topics you can categorize the list of your answers for customer convenience and better UX.
The admin can use settings from MENU->FAQ->Settings. Where admin can enable or disable the module, Enable or disable faq group's icon on the frontend. And enable or disable header and footer faq links.
Add Unlimited FAQs
You can create as many FAQs as you want to address an issue in detail. You can create the content through FAQ information panel.
SEO settings to rank your FAQs in google :
Enhance SEO of your FAQS for better rankings and allow customers to rate your questions.
Enter Meta Title, Description & Keywords
To enhance your SEO you can target keywords by entering Meta Titles and Meta Description. You can also make the URL search engine friendly and user friendly. Allow Users to Rate your FAQs
Create a New FAQ Category ::
On the upper right corner of FAQ Categories workplace, click on Add New FAQ Category button to navigate to New FAQ Category page, you need to do: